Fire on Bubali Plas WetlandA fire broke out on the wetland area better known as Bubali Plas, close to the high rise hotel area (during midnight on September 10, 2018).Local authorities were immediately dispatched to combat the fire.Here’s a video by Aruba Birdlife Conservation of the fire.Bubali Plas is an important part of wetland that covers 46 hectares.This wetland has one of the highest amount of biodiversity of flora and fauna on Aruba. Birds of all kind, iguanas, snakes, lizards, insects, fish and other animals.According to the local department of nature & environment, about 24% of the wetland was burned (which is about 11 hectares).They are currently doing research to examine the ecological damages.The day after the fire, volunteers found remains of lizards, iguanas, snakes, eggshells and insects.It’s also confirmed that the fire burned different trees like Fofoti, Kwihi, Hubada, Cadushi, Tuna and Bushisis. Various bird nests were also destroyed.Local authorities have not released any information if the fire was intentional or a natural accident.A few years ago the bubali plas was on fire already, but managed to grow again after that. I guess nature will have to restore the wetland again!  Virus-free.

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